The Lennar-financed "Yes on G" fliers jammed into mailboxes all across San Francisco this month depict a dark-skinned family strolling along a shoreline trail against a backdrop of blue sky, grassy parkland, a smattering of low-rise buildings, and the vague hint of a nearly transparent high-rise condo tower in the corner.
"After 34 years of neglect, it's time to clean up the Shipyard for tomorrow," states one flier, which promises to create up to 10,000 new homes, "with as many as 25 percent being entry-level affordable units"; 300 acres of new parks; and 8,000 permanent jobs in the city's sun-soaked southeast sector. Continue reading...
SF, CA – The Proposition commercials seem to start earlier and earlier every election cycle. With two months before the June 3rd ballot, this year's first lob comes from Lennar Corporation – out with a commercial promoting Prop G, which would give waterfront land on Candlestick Point to the Miami-based developer to build 10,000 condominiums in exchange for $1, with no binding guarantees of ANY affordable housing.
Lennar has already spent over $700,000 on high-paid political operatives and what a Lennar spokesperson characterized as "a dream team of political experts.” Now the "dream team" is spending big bucks on airtime in the country’s 5th largest media market to spread their message with a slick confidence ad that deceives viewers into thinking that proposition G will bring affordable housing, even though there is absolutely no binding language in the proposition itself.
But their ad has been "mashed up" by some pesky Internet YouTubers who support Prop F, a community response to Prop G from the F is for Fairness Campaign, a broad coalition of advocates for working families united in a grassroots effort to get guarantees, not just promises, of affordable workforce housing.
Proposition F protects the future of San Francisco’s largest African American community by guaranteeing that half of any housing built at Candlestick be affordable to working families in San Francisco. Proposition F is a Fair Deal – 50% for working families, 50% market housing. It profits the developer and benefits the community.
Watch the mashup PSA below:
For the community groups to compete, we need to forward this video far and wide and get our friends to watch the community response...and pass it on to their friends...who pass it on their friends.