Saturday, May 24, 2008

Yes on F Supporter's Rally


WHAT: Yes on Proposition F Supporter’s Rally

WHEN: Tuesday, May 27, 2008, 3pm

WHERE: corner of Third Street and Palou Street

WHY: With less than 10 days left until the June 3rd election, Proposition F is positioned to make San Francisco history by requiring that 50% of 10,000 new units to be built on Candlestick Point be made affordable to San Franciscans at or below 80% of area median income. Proposition F would make development accountable to the people who live in the community, and begins to address San Francisco’s affordable housing crisis.

WHO: POWER (People Organized to Win Employment Rights), local community residents, SFSU students, performances by Youth in Power, Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth, Colored Ink, JT the Bigga Figga, and several other speakers and performances

VISUALS: Solidarity March in support of Proposition F through Bayview, Proposition F materials, signs, etc.

CONTACT: Alicia Schwartz, POWER (415) 864-8372 ext. 305, cell phone (510) 759-3843

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